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Guillermo Del Toro, the director of 'Pan's Labyrinth,' is a knowledgeable fan and informs the viewer on one of his commentaries that Serling not only wrote a third of 'Night Gallery's' episodes but also every single introductory monologue for the show's entire run.

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It's an excellent adventure that complements the show perfectly.įull-screen and enhanced widescreen, 1952, 1962, 1962, 1963, 1965, 1966, not rated The theatrical film, 'Serenity,' written and directed by Whedon, which resolves all the loose threads left dangling at the end of the series, will debut on Blu-ray in late December. Eight audio commentaries, each with different cast and crew members, deleted scenes, a half-hour making-of doc, and a gag reel should provide plenty of bang for your buck. Aside from this and an HD promo for Whedon's new show 'Dollhouse,' the remainder of the extras, all excellent, are identical to the previous DVD release from 2003. The exclusive 25-minute 'Firefly Reunion,' a lunch between Whedon and cast members Nathan Fillion, Ron Glass, and Alan Tudyk, is mostly a lot of joking around and laughing. The uncompressed audio is surprisingly good for TV, with a lot of depth and surround activity. The hi-def image looks uniformly excellent, though it does show the limitations of the TV's CGI effects, which are generally good but not in the same league as feature film effects.

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